Gummy candies, bubble sheets and trick questions.


The one thing which helps me in times of seriously high anxiety, gummy-candy.

I am getting to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.   I had two tests last week.  I either encountered my first migraine or I over dosed on cold medicine.  Or I was just really fucking sick.  Everything I did last week is now a blur.

I felt like I was dumb.  Those damn bubble sheets confuse the hell out of me.  Here I thought there was a repeat question. I read those questions three fucking times and never noticed the one word difference. Here I think it reads which statement is true, it really asks which is NOT true.  I hate tests.  I am much better at writing a paper and there is certainly no shortage of those.  The one day I had set aside to write a paper I slept, because I was sick. I handed this thing in via email, 15 min prior to the deadline. Not really my style.  I felt like a friggin’ idiot.

I haven’t done well on any of my tests, and I am pretty fucking sure my papers from last week were garbage.  It’s the most frustrating thing in the world to have so much to do, and find yourself searching for the energy with no resolve in sight.

Ohhh! How miserable I was.  Thank goodness for gummy-candy.  I was a loaded cannon.  I nearly lost it the day I went to get my niece for school and they were all nagging.  Like nails on a chalk board that shit goes straight through me.  Rushing the kids. Don’t rush. I hate that shit.  Every time I find myself gritting my teeth with sweaty palms and tingles in my finger tips, I reach in my bag for the gummies.

Gummy bears, gummy cherries, cola bottles, peaches, sour patch kids, watermelons, if its chewy and fruity and gummy, I’ll eat it.  I swear the condition of my teeth has more to do with my gummy candy addiction than smoking.  I would so much rather chew a gummy worm than smoke a cigarette.  It’s so relieving. Biting into a gummy worm and pulling it until it splits in two. Snatching the heads off those innocent little bears. Methodically eating the green stems of the cherries before I chow down the twin rubies. I love the grapefruit flavored triangle slices, and sour apple rings.  Gummie Rocks are fantastic.  They have this tangy candy shell on the outside… mmmm. The green ones are my favorites. And thank goodness for gummy vitamins.

I would be such a mess were it not for my gummies.

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